To err is human. We have all made wrong choices in our lives one time or another, don't be ashamed. God already knows what you've done and awaits your repentance so he can restore you. Just as God offered Israel forgiveness and fruitfulness, even so today will he do the same for the truly repentant.

Have you made wrong choices and or followed the wrong path? If so, you can come back to God like the prodigal son and restore fellowship with him. If you have never believed, seek the Lord while he may still be found. He desires to deliver you, commune with you, and be your help and strength in times of trouble, but before this can be received we have to give it all to him, confess that we have been doers of wrong, and had chosen our own way to live.

We have not because we ask not. Ask God for his forgiveness and his help in seeking to do right and living according to his will. Don't worry about the how, he will help you with all that but first you have to put your life in his hands and have total reliance on him and not yourself or what man can do for you.

Hell is just as real as Heaven. Eternal Damnation is just as real as Eternal life. Do you want to continue to live or do you want to suffer after death and ultimately cease to exist? Repent and be reconnected to God now while there is still a chance. There is no second chances after Physical death.

Let God love you, it's his desire. This world offers nothing but empty promises, confusion, uncertainties, false hope, temporary pleasures, etc. Why not experience a relationship with one of faithfulness and live a life certain of your eternal destiny when this life is over. There is a better life beyond this world. God has a better place prepared for us and he will be returning soon to take us there if our passing doesn't preced his second coming. For upon his return the dead in Christ shall rise first and those who remain alive at his coming will be caught up in the air to be with him as well and so shall we be with him forever. In order for us to spend eternity with God we have to make a choice today to believe what God has said to be truth and follow his way. There will be loss here but to lose now is to gain later with God.

There is nothing in this world worth losing your soul over. For what will it profit you other than a final death. I'ts not to late to chose the right path, the path that leads to Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus. The Bible says he is the way, the truth, and the life and the only way to the Father in Heaven. Find you a church that teaches the word of God in entirety. Get yourself a Holy Bible if you don't have one already. If you have one, I encourage you to read it from beginning to end. In your quest in doing so there are some key scriptures I will give you for you to know how you can have a relationship with our Heavenly Father, the one who created you.


John 3:16, 17

Acts 4:12

John 14:6

John 1:1, 14

Romans 3:23-25

Ephesians 2:8-9

Romans 10:9-13

Romans 5:6-12

It’s not too late to make a fresh start with God.

Peace and Love,

Child of the King